
Letter to the Editor of the Dedham Times on March 10, 2023 from Alex Boudette in support of Stephen Acosta for School Committee.

To the Editor,
Having known Stephen Acosta for several years, I can say without reservation that he would be an exemplary and productive member of the Dedham School Committee. As parents of two young adult children, I see the enormous challenges that lay ahead for this rising generation. The stakes are high. In a rapidly and ever-changing world, we need someone from this young generation to help us understand the issues of the moment as well as future dilemmas that will affect our students and eventual leaders of this country. We need someone able to understand and capture the concerns of our youth while simultaneously acknowledging and respecting the ideas and morals of former generations. Stephen’s biography reveals an upbringing centered on ideals such as responsibility, respect, perseverance, and adaptability. Stephen has emerged from his years in the Dedham Public Schools as an upstanding individual embodying all of these qualities. I can think of no one more poised to take a seat on the Dedham School Committee.

Alex Boudette


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